So, I really really love this blog called the Small Things Blog. I stumbled across her blog while looking at hairstyles on Pinterest and ever since then, I've been hooked! If you haven't yet, you should totally check it out when you have a chance! Anyways, through reading her blog, I've started reading her sister, Lauren's blog (From My Grey Desk). Lauren does this thing where she links up with other bloggers on Fridays and I figured I would link up with her today (even though the day is over halfway over)
So.. the 5 highlights of my week were:
1. On Monday night we arrived back home to South Dakota from our cruise. NO, being in South Dakota was not the highlight! However, seeing my son after almost a week was! He was surprisingly still awake and he did the funniest thing when my husband and I walked in the door of my friends house. She was holding him and he kind of looked at us, looked away, looked at us, looked away. Almost as if he couldn't believe his eyes. Then his face lit up and the squealing and the flailing arms started. And then the tears from mama came. It was such a joyous moment and I cant even explain how excited I was to be able to hold my little guy again!!
2. Tuesday Matt and I both had off work and spent the day unpacking and doing laundry. We also got MY LAST NAME CHANGED :) I'm officially an Engen, my drivers license says so! And, surprisingly, I didn't even have to wait for long at the DMV or the Social Security office! The name-change-Gods must have known I had better things to do that day.
3. I had softball practice and it was gorgeous outside!! I love being able to be active on summer nights and being able to do it with my friends makes it that much greater. Were definitely not the best team but we have a good time and hopefully we will continue to do better before our games start.
4. Matt built me a vanity. It is hands down the coolest thing I have ever seen. I have the worlds smallest duplex. We want to move desperately, but with everything going on right now, we are waiting a little bit to move. We have one bathroom that's so small, only one person can be in it at a time. The sink has no counter space for anything. And I have a lot of things. More than the normal girl. Because of this, I have filled the cabinet below it. Poor Matt only gets room for his toothbrush and he knows better than to try to come in there an hour before were going somewhere. We do, however, have a rather large bedroom. I had purchased a used desk from someone in town and set it up in the corner of our bedroom. I figured I would just use it for our laptop and my piles of paper that are useless but I don't dare throw away, just in case. Matt had a better idea. He installed a large medicine cabinet on the back wall of the dresser and put a long, strip of light above the mirror. The light turns on when you touch a sensor, how genius is that?! He then hung all my necklaces along the sides of the mirror, and put my jewelry tree on the top (yes, I decided to buy it) along with my million bottles of lotion. It has a long door on the side and inside are 3 shelves. He put a plug-in strip on the bottom shelf and my blow dryer, straightener, curling iron, and rollers on the other shelves. Now all I need to do it organize my makeup on it. I also want to find a cool vintage chair at a garage sale and reupholster it. I'm sure he did it so I would stop taking over the bathroom. Whatever the reason, I'm in love with it. And it made me so thankful to be in love with the incredible, thoughtful man. I'll post pictures after I have it organized this weekend!
5. The last fabulous thing of the week hasn't happened yet. Its actually happening tonight so I figured it still counts: I'm going to a Pampered Chef party!! I've never been to one before and I'm really excited! I love to cook, but its a new love. I'm just getting into and love to try out new recipes. I don't have a lot of kitchen tools (partly because I don't have the space), but I'm starting to expand my collection. I cant wait to share with you my new finds! Hopefully I don't spend too much :)
Have a fabulous weekend everyone!! Remember to be thankful for the things you have and try to focus on the positive aspects on life!
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