We went to Michael's to return some supplies left over from the wedding and picked up a couple more for our crafts. We got:
- modge podge
- Martha Stewart glitter paint (found here)
- 8x10 canvases
- Freezer paper
- Painter's Tape
The only difference between our shirts is the colors. I found a shirt with magenta sleeves and was able to find a paint color that matched- score! I even got the shirt on clearance at Target (by far my favorite place to waste time). I wore the shirt to work today and attempted to take a picture but my arms aren't long enough so my heart just looks like a big blob but you get the idea!
Next, we did a project with wine glasses. I had gotten a set of 4 as a wedding gift. I already have a ton of plain wine glasses and couldn't figure out what store they had been purchased from. The only solution was to make them pretty! We started by putting a ring of painters tape around the fuller part of the glass. The only problem was, we couldn't get it straight! We tried for awhile when my brother walked in the room. "why do you fill water to where you want it and use that as a guide for the tape?" Genius! We better keep him around! Once we finally got our wine glasses taped, we painted. And painted. And painted (from the tape down). They needed about 3 coats total in order to get the effect we were going for. Then, in order to get them food safe, we set them into the oven. We put them in right away and turned the oven on to 350. Once it beeped saying it had reached its temperature, we took them out. I'm hoping this will make the paint last. I don't think I would trust putting them in the dishwasher, but they should still be pretty durable nonetheless.
Project #3. I had a ton of tissue paper from all the gifts from our wedding. I am so blessed to be surrounded by so many fabulous friends and family. Okay, back to the point. We ironed a couple of pieces of the white tissue paper with the heat setting at delicate, so as not to burn the paper. Once we had it all smoothed out, we cut pieces that were a little bit smaller than a sheet of computer paper. Then, we taped the tissue to the computer printer. We did this because without the paper, the tissue would rip and get caught in the printer. We chose a couple pictures we liked, and also a couple sayings, and printed them onto the tissue paper/computer paper combo. Then, very carefully, separated the two. Using a foam brush, we quickly painted a layer of modge podge onto the canvas. Then, before it dried, carefully placed the tissue onto the canvas, smoothing out the air bubbles and creases as we went along. Then, carefully, we brushed modge podge over the tissue paper. While from up close you could see a couple creases, they turned out awesome!!! It looks exactly like a canvas picture you can buy online, only much cheaper. I chose a picture of my hubby and I at our wedding and a saying that says 'always kiss me goodnight'. We hung them over our bed and it looks really nice. I'll have to try to remember to take a picture.
For the last craft of the night, I created a jar for my hairbrushes. Those of you who keep up with my blog (thanks!) know that I had been looking for a jar for my hairbrushes. I found a perfect one at a store called Bachman's. It already had a light blue hint to it, almost like it had been painted. Around the top was a little groove so I glued rhinestones all the way around. Then, I had some leftover sea glass from the reception so I glued it all over the jar. It was really fun to try to find pieces that would fit the spaces, almost like a puzzle. I ended up running out of glue sticks so its not completely finished. That reminds me, I should get it done tonight after work.

One other thing that we did this weekend that isn't really a craft but was too fabulous to not share with you: We painted our nails with this cool kit my sister got! The brand was Ciate and it was pretty easy to do. The only problem was that it didn't stay on for very long but it was so pretty that we didn't even mind. Part of the reason why it didn't stay on long was of course because of my obnoxious habit to pick. I love to pick at things- whether its my nail polish, finger nails, hang nails, peeling skin from a sunburn, etc, I just cant leave it alone! I know it drives my hubby nuts though so I've been trying to stop.
There are a ton of other crafts I have in mind that I would like to try to make but just don't seem to find the time. I'm thinking about dedicating one Sunday a month to crafts. One craft that I would like to accomplish is to make a new headboard for our bed. Any ideas that will make our room prettier?
Have a fabulous day :)
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