We spent his day going on all sorts of adventures. Matt picked him up from daycare around noon and met me back at our house. We went and ate at Matt's favorite place- Burritos on Broadway. After that, Jett fell asleep. We had planned to take him to the zoo but wanted to wait until after he woke up so we drove around for awhile and ended up at our friend Brian's house. Brian lives on a lake so Jett slept in the shade, Matt fished, and I worked on my tan (or lack thereof). After Matt caught a fish, we decided it was way too hot for that. As we were loading Jett into Matt's truck, he finally woke up from his nap, so off to the zoo we went. And he hated it. I mean really hated it. We looked at fish in a tank- he screamed and cried. They have peacocks walking around the grounds of the zoo and every time one came into sight, he would scream and cry. We made our way over to the petting zoo and he screamed and cried. He didn't want to sit in his stroller, he wanted to be held. Normally, that wouldn't bother me but it was hot. Very hot. I was wet with a mixture of both of our sweat. We decided it was best that we just went home. Matt and I had bought him a power wheels car for his birthday so we let him open that. Matt put it together for him and to my shock, he understood how to make it go! Matt showed him to push them button and after that, he didn't need our help- he was ready to cruise! So he rode that across the lawn for quite some time. To end our day of fun, we went to Pizza Ranch, Jett's favorite place to eat. After stuffing his face with chicken and pizza, we made our way home for the night. By that point, he was so tuckered out and ready for bed.. and he slept like 'a baby'.
On Saturday, we had a birthday party at the park. The forecast was 90 so we packed our swimsuits and towels and planned for a day in the sun. However, it was extremely windy so it didn't feel that warm. I had also purchased a bunch of cute decorations but, because of the wind, we weren't able to use them. Hopefully I'll eventually have another boy so they can be used ;) With the water being cold, we didn't end up going swimming. We just sat and socialized with everyone, ate, had cake, then opened presents. For some reason, Jett wasn't that into the cake. I couldn't get him to dig in it like I had pictured. He wanted to use a fork and didn't like getting his fingers messy. Maybe I shouldn't complain that my son doesn't like to be dirty. He is still a little too young to understand the concept of opening presents but there were plenty of other kids to help him. I think some people were a little disappointed that he didn't open the presents himself but if that would've happened, we would've been there all night! After that, Jett played with his toys and people started filing out.
We had planned on spending the night camping at the park but around 10, we had a change of plans. Jett was doing everything in his power to stay awake and we had another long day ahead of us on Sunday so we went back home. It was nice to actually get a good nights sleep, even if it wasn't for very long. My mom, being the angel that she is, got up with Jett when he woke up. Matt and I got to sleep in until 8 and then we had to go back to the campground to get all of our stuff. Its pretty sad when I consider 8 being able to sleep in! We didn't have much time to pack up our things because we needed to get home to shower and get ready for church. We finally go Jett baptized! Matt's mom had been bugging us a lot that he needed to baptized but the timing just wasn't right. My sister, Kelly is Jett's godmother so she had to be there for it. I just couldn't justify making her buy a plane ticket for that and every time she comes for a visit, we always gather in Minnesota. Obviously, because there is so much more to do there. Since everyone was coming for his birthday, I figured we might as well just get it over with. I'm glad we did it but it made for such a long weekend!! I'm still exhausted from all the planning and lack of sleep and my house is a disaster to say the least.
I had planned on writing about the day that Jett was born but this is already getting long so I will have to do that tomorrow
Riding his new toy from mommy and daddy
Feeding momma the cake

Enjoying some new toys

Pooped out from a long weekend!
Have a fabulous day!
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