I cant wait to be able to enjoy my morning coffee in this sunny little nook. I'm telling y'all, everything about this house screams perfection in my eyes. I am beyond excited to move into it and so proud that my hubby and I get to call it our own. August 15 (our closing date) cant get here fast enough!
Another thing that's happened since I last posted: Jett and I flew to Montana to celebrate my sister's birthday with her. I cant even tell you the last time I got to be with her on her birthday so it really meant a lot to me to be able to spend this time with her. We did all sorts of fun things- got our nose pierced, went horseback riding, had a night on the town, and got Brazilian blowouts. I'm telling ya, if you have hair like mine (thick, frizzy, wavy) a Brazilian blowout is highly, highly recommended. The price scared me away at first but seriously- it is worth it!!
Jett taking in the view from an airplane window for the first time

One last thing that's happened this summer: Basilica Block Party. In Minneapolis, one of the radio stations puts on an outdoor concert each summer to benefit that Basilica Catholic church. This year, the main act was OAR and my fabulous mom was able to get us free tickets!! My family has gone to this every year but this was the first time for my husband and I. We had so much fun and will definitely plan on attending again next year.
Okay, I promise- last bit of information. This morning, I finally grew some balls and told my boss I'm going back to school. I was so nervous about doing it but now I feel like I have such a big weight lifted off my shoulders and I am soo glad I did it. School starts August 22 and I seriously cant wait. My family and I will have such big changes in the month of August, it needs to get here faster! One thing that really irritated me though was my boss asked about how many hours I thought I would be able to still work (I told him I would like to still work something out part time) and he said I need to work at least 30 hours a week. He said I would be expected to put in hours after-hours and maybe a couple of hours on the weekends. Now, I have no problem doing that. But then, he said he expects my job to be my top priority. I'm sorry but if I'm paying all this money to go to school, I'm going to give it my all. Not to mention the fact that I have a family that I need to spend time with. So maybe working here part time wont work out after all. Only time will tell I guess. I just feel like its so important for me to keep my priorities in order and this job for sure wont come before school and definitely wont come before my husband and son. Okay, I better stop before I get myself angry.
I could keep going on and on I have so much to share. I guess that's what I get for taking a 3 week hiatus ;)
Until next time, which I promise will be sooner than 3 weeks, have a fabulous day
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