My husbands aunt is going through a divorce and has been looking for a new place to live. Right now she is torn between a house and an apartment, both having their pros and cons in her mind. As we were talking, I got to thinking how I could never live in a house all by myself. I would be terrified!! I have an irrational fear of being home alone. When I was younger and we lived in Minneapolis, we didn't live in the best neighborhood. Our house was broken into several times and once, our garage was started on fire. We moved to a suburb when I was in the fifth grade but I think this is the reason I'm so scared: I've witnessed first hand how cruel people can be in the world. I am so afraid that someone will come into my house and I wont be able to protect myself. I know its quite silly that an almost 25 year old is so scared of this, but its true! I absolutely hate being home alone. My husband plays darts on Tuesday nights and I dread those nights when he wont be home for a couple hours. (side note: I'm fine being home alone during the day, I love it actually. Its just the night that I don't like, when my imagination gets the best of me). When we moved into our house, my brother-in-law moved into our basement. At first, I wasn't sure I would enjoy sharing my house and once again, have a 'roommate' like I did in college. Turns out, I love it because I don't get so freaked out knowing there is someone else home with me. Finally, my husband can go to darts or out with his friends without my constant texting wondering when he will be home.
So there is a little fun fact for ya! Here's a couple more:
If you really knew me:
- You would know that I would eat candy all day long if I could
-That I love school
-That I wish I could be a stay-at-home mom (even though I know I would be bored out of mind after a month)
-I love pizza. And broccoli, but my hubby hates broccoli so I rarely get to eat it
-As I've gotten older, I've noticed I have less friends, but the ones in my life are great friends. I no longer feel the need to be surrounded by a group of people that I only pretend to like
-My favorite thing to do on the weekends is go to garage sales with my little man- we always find the best treasures!
-A lot of people don't understand how I can handle being a mother, wife, nursing student, and work 2 jobs, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I know what I want in life and I also know that I will need to put in some hard work to get those things
-I wish I had more time to explore a creative outlet
-I could spend hours on Pinterest
-I'm really interested in fashion and makeup. Now if only I could learn to wake up to my alarm clock instead of hitting snooze 5 times, my appearance would show that
-I'm scheduled to work 14 hours today.. yikes
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